How to take Special Care of your Jewellery

Everyone admires the jewellery that is well kept for years to come so, that it can be passed on to the next generation. People who possess the finest jewellery in town are the ones who know the most about caring for their jewellery. Certain metals and stones require special care as they are delicate. Depending upon the type of the jewellery, different methods of cleaning, polishing, and storing are used to keep the jewellery intact.

Here are some tips on taking special care of your jewellery in Calgary.

1. Proper inspection

Inspecting your jewellery frequently, at least every 6 months to once a year is recommended. This may help you to know the condition of the Jewellery in Calgary whether it has broken clasps, loose strings, or any kind of damage. Knowing the faults earlier can prevent it from being worn out completely.

2. Remove when necessary

Jewellery is very delicate. Remember that even the hardest diamond can be chipped. Therefore, removing your jewellery when you are performing some complex tasks is advised.

3. Careful cleaning

If you decide to clean the jewellery yourself then be careful of the liquids or solutions you use to clean it. Some chemicals are too harsh and hence should be avoided. You can also go to professional jewellery cleaners.

4. Store well

Storing the jewellery properly is necessary. Keep it closed in the box, which gives good support and protection to the jewellery.


Apart from these tips, there are many other minute details to be known when you want to take care of your jewellery in Calgary.

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